Annual McNamara Charity Golf Outing 2023 — Paws of War
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Annual McNamara Charity Golf Outing 2023

  • Bethpage Golf Course, 99 Quaker Meeting house Road, Farmingdale NY 1179 (map)

Join us for a day of golf in support of our heroes!

  • Registration and Breakfast 8 am - 10 am

  • Shotgun 10 am

  • Cocktail Hour 5 pm to 6 pm

This is our chance to support those who have given so much, including their physical and emotional wellness, for our freedoms.

A Hero’s Stoy

My name is Christopher T. McNamara and I am proud to have served in Desert Storm for the United States Air Force. My family history is steeped with generations of military service, including my father who served in the Navy on the U.S.S. Wisconsin during the Korean War and my grandfather who fought in WWII for the Navy. His father, my great grandfather, who served in the Army in WWI and his father, my great, great grandfather, who served in the Navy during the Spanish American War. More recently, I have several uncles who served in Vietnam, a cousin who served in Iraq and other family members who served in times of peace.

We are all proud of our family’s service. Thankfully, my family members all came home relatively safe and sound. Unfortunately, that is not the case for all of our service men and women. Due to medical advances the survival rates of our service men and women have risen significantly, yet the injuries they come home with are too often debilitating. An injury that may have killed a soldier 30 years ago now leaves him or her with permanent physical and emotional challenges.

Soldiers fortunate enough to return home physically unharmed are often burdened with invisible traumas that plague them every day. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.) has become all too common for so many of these men and women. Most people cannot comprehend the images and experiences our returning service men and women carry with them upon their return home. P.T.S.D. often changes not only their lives, but also the lives of their loved ones. P.T.S.D. makes it extremely difficult for soldiers to assimilate back into the world they once knew.