In-Kind Donations


Gift Cards

Gift cards to pet stores (Bark!, PetSmart, Petco, Pet Valu), home improvement stores (Home Depot, Lowes), department stores (Amazon, Target, Walmart), and grocery stores (Giant, Safeway, Stop & Shop, King Kullen, Whole Foods) are always welcome and help us get what we need most, when we need it, without having to worry about storage. Plus, using gift cards gives the dogs in training an outing to go shopping!

If you would like to collect supplies to donate to Paws of War, please use the following list to guide you. If a brand is specified, please get that brand (believe us, we have tried them all!). Please do contact us via email to ask if we can use the items before collecting or bringing anything which is not on this list, as we have very limited storage space!

We Can Only Accept NEW Items Not Used. Thank You.

Paper Products
Pet Products
Office Supplies
Cleaning Supplies

Please include your name, organization (if applicable) & email and mail/drop off  items to:

Paws of War
127 Smithtown Blvd.
Nesconset, New York 11767